Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Film review

White chicks (2004)
White chicks was directed by Keenen Ivory Wayans. The film was produced by Columbia Pictures and Revolution Studios.
The plot begins in a convenience store where two FBI agents and brothers, Kevin Copeland and Marcus Copeland, try to capture members of an organization that sells drugs inside ice cream boxes.A gunfight ensues, Kevin and Marcus finally knock out the criminals, leaving the place in shambles. But they soon find out that the men are actually selling real ice cream. Moments later, the real drug dealers arrive and escape.The agents then disguise themselves as white women in the form of Wilson sister look-alikes in order to save their jobs.
This is very funny film, that haven't got any bad points, except stupidity.
In my opinion, this is best movie in the world. I saw it 61 time and I want more!
Monday, November 15, 2010
The place of my dream.(description)
In my dreams i would like to live on Tenerife. It's an island near Africa. There are very beautiful beaches and a lot of funny people and a lot of funny animals. And the thing I like most of all at Tenerife. In some electronic shops there are indian man who are selling stuff. You can choose a price yourself. But they don't like if the price is very low, their eyes go red, faces angry and they can even make you sad. This is the place of my dreams.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Harry Potter review
You've probably heard of this book already, and if you haven't read it yet I think you'll enjoy it.
This is a story about Harry and his two new friends settling down for their first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry only to discover that they have a part to play in the downfall of the evil Sssh! You-Know-Who. You will like Harry Potter. He's shy and self-doubting and puts up with a lot from his awful aunt Petunia and uncle Vernon and fat cousin Dudley. Poor Harry lost his parents, supposedly in a car crash, when he was a baby and that was when he received the strange lightning-shaped scar across his forehead. Ever since then he has slept in the cupboard under the stairs at the Dursleys' perfectly normal house in Privet Drive and the best thing he has to look forward to is starting at the local secondary school next term - well away from Dudley who will be going to his father's old, expensive school, Smeltings.
But, other people know a lot more about Harry than Harry does himself. That lightning-shaped scar is a matter of enormous interest and Harry is about to discover that he has a lot of friends, and enemies, in a rather different kind of world from the one he was brought up in.
This is a book about magic, but there's plenty of reality. Settling into a new school, making friends, learning who to trust and who not to trust and when to obey school rules and when to overlook them. There's a great deal of humour in the book. You might find the magic funny - visit Diagon Alley to purchase all your Hogwart's kit - but there is strong evil magic too and you won't doubt the courage that Harry has to show in the final chapter.
This is a story about Harry and his two new friends settling down for their first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry only to discover that they have a part to play in the downfall of the evil Sssh! You-Know-Who. You will like Harry Potter. He's shy and self-doubting and puts up with a lot from his awful aunt Petunia and uncle Vernon and fat cousin Dudley. Poor Harry lost his parents, supposedly in a car crash, when he was a baby and that was when he received the strange lightning-shaped scar across his forehead. Ever since then he has slept in the cupboard under the stairs at the Dursleys' perfectly normal house in Privet Drive and the best thing he has to look forward to is starting at the local secondary school next term - well away from Dudley who will be going to his father's old, expensive school, Smeltings.
But, other people know a lot more about Harry than Harry does himself. That lightning-shaped scar is a matter of enormous interest and Harry is about to discover that he has a lot of friends, and enemies, in a rather different kind of world from the one he was brought up in.
This is a book about magic, but there's plenty of reality. Settling into a new school, making friends, learning who to trust and who not to trust and when to obey school rules and when to overlook them. There's a great deal of humour in the book. You might find the magic funny - visit Diagon Alley to purchase all your Hogwart's kit - but there is strong evil magic too and you won't doubt the courage that Harry has to show in the final chapter.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
It is our intention to send our leaflets containing articles and images of Estonia to USA. People will read our leaflets and get an impression of the Estonian life and traditions.
When people think of Estonia, they immediately think of The Tartu University. So we felt it was important to show Baltic Sea because it is great. We agreed that we should also include The Song and Dance Festival and short articles about it because it says something about Estonian culture.
As a group, we did not think it would be a good idea to include Old Town because it's very boring. We were all determined to include Rock Cafe and we made a unanimious decision to include this because there sometimes perform some interesting people.
Finally, we decided to include pistures and short articles about our school in the leaflets because it gives a very good education. We also felt that it was important to show that life in Estonia is very boring, which makes it such an interesting place.
When people think of Estonia, they immediately think of The Tartu University. So we felt it was important to show Baltic Sea because it is great. We agreed that we should also include The Song and Dance Festival and short articles about it because it says something about Estonian culture.
As a group, we did not think it would be a good idea to include Old Town because it's very boring. We were all determined to include Rock Cafe and we made a unanimious decision to include this because there sometimes perform some interesting people.
Finally, we decided to include pistures and short articles about our school in the leaflets because it gives a very good education. We also felt that it was important to show that life in Estonia is very boring, which makes it such an interesting place.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The end of story "Lord of Flies"
When Ralph saw the officer, he screamed. Other children heared the shout and ran to the beach. The officer was in a seaweed and was looking like the beast. Children took spears and killed him. When they realised that it was their savior, they became very sad and decided to eat him. They have made some fire and cooked him with spices. They believed that if they ate him, they would be as wise as he. They were bad at cooking and spices were incorrectly chosen. They have started to see some hallucinations and they all gone crazy. Some of them jumped from a rock, other just killed themself. The island became uninhabited again.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Should students have a job while studying
In my opinion, students shouldn't have a job while studying, because a job prevents studying.
If student has a job while studying, he has no time to do homework or prepare to lessons. But some students have no money for living and they cannot study without a job. In my opinion, if you have no money for studying at one university, you need to go to cheaper one and study there. If student has a job while studying and he is preparing for all lessons, he has no free time and enought time to sleep. They can live so about few months, but because of sleeplessness he will be ill all time or very tired and won't be in a condition for studying.
If I was a student, I wouldn't have a job while studying because I like spending my free time for reading books or playing a computer.
If student has a job while studying, he has no time to do homework or prepare to lessons. But some students have no money for living and they cannot study without a job. In my opinion, if you have no money for studying at one university, you need to go to cheaper one and study there. If student has a job while studying and he is preparing for all lessons, he has no free time and enought time to sleep. They can live so about few months, but because of sleeplessness he will be ill all time or very tired and won't be in a condition for studying.
If I was a student, I wouldn't have a job while studying because I like spending my free time for reading books or playing a computer.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Task 1
Dear uncle,
I would like to thank you for the time i spent visiting you. I enjoyed my trip very much and I want to come back soon. I'd like to invite you and your family to go here for a couple of days.
Task 2
Dear uncle,
I would like to thank you for the time i spent visiting you. I enjoyed my trip very much and I want to come back soon. I'd like to invite you and your family to go here for a couple of days.
Task 2
30 March
Dear Tom,
Last time I watched a lot of new films and I'd like to talk about them. I don't think that all new films are good, but I enjoyed some of them. Last film I have watched was "Happy End" about a guy, whose member became real man and ran out. ;) This film is very funny, I recommend it to you.
My favourite film and the best film in my opinion is "White chicks". This is film about two black man, working in FBI, who became white women. I have seen this film 58 times.
This summer I would like to watch some comedies and scary movies. I'd like to know about your favourite film and about your watching plans.
Lots of love,
Monday, March 29, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
my ideal school
I'm studing in TKVg and I'm pretty happy that I'm studing in that school. But still, it isn't my ideal school.
If you ask me about my ideal school I would say something like that "My ideal school must have big variety of good chicks and food ;D". But you know, if I could not do the homework and studied only those subjects that I want, I would appreciate that too. In ordinary schools you are studing 5 day a week but in, ideal school I will be studing only 4 and half days a week. Yeah that would be awesome.
If you ask me about my ideal school I would say something like that "My ideal school must have big variety of good chicks and food ;D". But you know, if I could not do the homework and studied only those subjects that I want, I would appreciate that too. In ordinary schools you are studing 5 day a week but in, ideal school I will be studing only 4 and half days a week. Yeah that would be awesome.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
What is philosophy?

A philosophy is a comprehensive system of ideas about human nature and the nature of the reality we live in. In my opinion it's a guide for living, because the issues it addresses are basic and pervasive, determining the course we take in life and how we treat other people. The word "philosophy" comes from the Greece, it meaned "love of wisdom". The history of philosophy is customarily divided into six periods: Ancient philosophy, Medieval philosophy, Renaissance philosophy, Early and Late Modern philosophy and Contemporary philosophy. There are most famous philosophers in each period, like Pythagoras, Aristotle, Plato in Ancient philosophy and Karl Marx, Nietzsche, Kant in Late Modern philosophy. Philosophy in all time had caused a lot of discussions and disputes. But, even in our time, nobody knows the truth of living.
Monday, February 15, 2010

1)able - unable
2)accurate - inaccurate
3)active - inactive
4)agree - disagree
5)button - unbutton
6)comfortable - uncomfortable
7)convinient - inconvinient
8)credible - incredible
9)direct - indirect
10)experienced - inexperienced
11)fair - unfair
12)fold - infond
13)formal - unformal
14)fortunate - unfortunate
15)hear - unhear
16)like - unlike
17)necessary - unnecessary
18)pack - unpack
19)patient - inpatient
20)plesant - unpleasant
21)possible - inpossible
22)pronounce - unpronounce
23)spell - inspell
24)tolerant - intolerant
25)usual - unusual
26)willing - unwilling
27)just - injust
28)kind - unkind
29)satisfactory - unsatisfactory
30)appropriate - inappropriate
31)sincere - insincere
32)legible - illegible
33)legal - unlegal
34)literate - illiterate
35)regular - unregular(irregular)
36)relevant - irrelevant
37)responsible - irresponsible
38)mature - inmature
39)probable - improbable
40)moral - immoral
41)screw - unscrew
42)do - undo
43)tie - untie
44)appear - disapper
45)quality - unquality
46)understand - ununderstand
47)read - unread
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
1)Блоггер - человек, ведущий блог.
2)Тэг - ключевое слово,или идентификатор для описания,разделения данных на категории,поиска данных.
3)СМИ - сокращенно Средства Массовой Информации .
4)Интернет - глобальная телекоммуникационная сеть информационных и вычислительных ресурсо(англ.World Wide Web).
5)Аватар – это картинка пользователя на сайте, блоге или в чате.
6)Браузер - программа установленная на компьютере для простомотра интернет страниц, самые распространенные это Internet Explorer,Mozilla Firefox и Opera.
7)Баннер - рекламный графический блок, связанный гиперссылкой с сайтом рекламодателя.
8)Подкаст — основное содержание блога выкладывается в виде MP3-файлов.
9)ЖЖ - дневник на сайте
2)Тэг - ключевое слово,или идентификатор для описания,разделения данных на категории,поиска данных.
3)СМИ - сокращенно Средства Массовой Информации .
4)Интернет - глобальная телекоммуникационная сеть информационных и вычислительных ресурсо(англ.World Wide Web).
5)Аватар – это картинка пользователя на сайте, блоге или в чате.
6)Браузер - программа установленная на компьютере для простомотра интернет страниц, самые распространенные это Internet Explorer,Mozilla Firefox и Opera.
7)Баннер - рекламный графический блок, связанный гиперссылкой с сайтом рекламодателя.
8)Подкаст — основное содержание блога выкладывается в виде MP3-файлов.
9)ЖЖ - дневник на сайте
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
I want to describe my pal Nikolai. I have met him two years ago. He is a good guy who loves ponies. He has quite long blond hair and green eyes. Sometimes I see him with ponytail and I think it's because he loves ponies. He is very short and well-built. Nikolai is in his mid twenties. Besides ponies he also likes football and music. He listens only swedish pop. Nikolai is very cheerful, reliable, intensive and honest.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
1. переустройство школ
2. все дети оканчивают школу с одними и теми же знаниями
3. школа играет громадную роль в получении навыков общения, коммуникации, взаимодействия
4. обмануть учителя — важный социальный опыт
5. на экзамене все-таки придется писать от руки
6. уровень интеллектуального развития учеников выше, чем в других школах
7. шанс для детей из неблагополучных семей
8. бездумное копирование кусков текста из сети
9. британская программа перестройки государственных школ
10. в школах нового типа нет специального отбора
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Free time
What am I doing in my free time? I do many things when I am free. In my free time I go to different clubs and pick up chicks. Especially I like picking up chicks :) Mostly I would do that in school breaks. I would watch TV programms or news in my free time at home only sometimes when I'm really bored. But if I had more free time I would more went to my trainings. I want to be a world champ someday. ;D So I need to train hard.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
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