Sunday, February 28, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

What is philosophy?

A philosophy is a comprehensive system of ideas about human nature and the nature of the reality we live in. In my opinion it's a guide for living, because the issues it addresses are basic and pervasive, determining the course we take in life and how we treat other people. The word "philosophy" comes from the Greece, it meaned "love of wisdom". The history of philosophy is customarily divided into six periods: Ancient philosophy, Medieval philosophy, Renaissance philosophy, Early and Late Modern philosophy and Contemporary philosophy. There are most famous philosophers in each period, like Pythagoras, Aristotle, Plato in Ancient philosophy and Karl Marx, Nietzsche, Kant in Late Modern philosophy. Philosophy in all time had caused a lot of discussions and disputes. But, even in our time, nobody knows the truth of living.

Monday, February 15, 2010

1)able - unable
2)accurate - inaccurate
3)active - inactive
4)agree - disagree
5)button - unbutton
6)comfortable - uncomfortable
7)convinient - inconvinient
8)credible - incredible
9)direct - indirect
10)experienced - inexperienced
11)fair - unfair
12)fold - infond
13)formal - unformal
14)fortunate - unfortunate
15)hear - unhear
16)like - unlike
17)necessary - unnecessary
18)pack - unpack
19)patient - inpatient
20)plesant - unpleasant
21)possible - inpossible
22)pronounce - unpronounce
23)spell - inspell
24)tolerant - intolerant
25)usual - unusual
26)willing - unwilling
27)just - injust
28)kind - unkind
29)satisfactory - unsatisfactory
30)appropriate - inappropriate
31)sincere - insincere
32)legible - illegible
33)legal - unlegal
34)literate - illiterate
35)regular - unregular(irregular)
36)relevant - irrelevant
37)responsible - irresponsible
38)mature - inmature
39)probable - improbable
40)moral - immoral
41)screw - unscrew
42)do - undo
43)tie - untie
44)appear - disapper
45)quality - unquality
46)understand - ununderstand
47)read - unread

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Акроним TED

П -предохранение

Sunday, February 7, 2010


1)Блоггер - человек, ведущий блог.
2)Тэг - ключевое слово,или идентификатор для описания,разделения данных на категории,поиска данных.
3)СМИ - сокращенно Средства Массовой Информации .
4)Интернет - глобальная телекоммуникационная сеть информационных и вычислительных ресурсо(англ.World Wide Web).
5)Аватар – это картинка пользователя на сайте, блоге или в чате.
6)Браузер - программа установленная на компьютере для простомотра интернет страниц, самые распространенные это Internet Explorer,Mozilla Firefox и Opera.
7)Баннер - рекламный графический блок, связанный гиперссылкой с сайтом рекламодателя.
8)Подкаст — основное содержание блога выкладывается в виде MP3-файлов.
9)ЖЖ - дневник на сайте

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I want to describe my pal Nikolai. I have met him two years ago. He is a good guy who loves ponies. He has quite long blond hair and green eyes. Sometimes I see him with ponytail and I think it's because he loves ponies. He is very short and well-built. Nikolai is in his mid twenties. Besides ponies he also likes football and music. He listens only swedish pop. Nikolai is very cheerful, reliable, intensive and honest.

Smart board